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  • Writer's picturePhuc Tran

Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved otters and tacos shirt

That second bullet point has saved me a lot of frustration in the past. There’s been times when I was 15 minutes into a lesson with my morning class, where they all looked really confused and I didn’t understand why, until one of them finally spoke up and said that they were missing a key piece of knowledge that I assumed they’d have by that point. Whenever I have multiple classes of the same subject throughout the day, I try to keep them in sync as much as possible. If, for some reason, like an assembly or fire drill, one class gets ahead of the other, I either assign more homework for the class that’s behind, so they can catch up, or I throw in a one-day mini-lesson for the class that’s ahead, so it all evens out again.

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