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  • Writer's picturePhuc Tran

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So, with this all known, liberals are "tarring and feathering" ANY conservative appointed, in a 'Scorched earth' method, to dissuade ANY true conservative from accepting the nomination, should Trump have the opportunity to appoint another Justice. They are purposely "beating up" Kavanaugh, as a message to those on Trump's 'short list' of potential nominees, to do their choice of the following options. Liberals want liberal Justices. Conservatives want conservative Justices. Average Americans, want reasonable people, who will make reasonable decisions, in favor of the American people. But, this process, and how they are treating Kavanaugh, has put the spotlight on just how dirty, politics has become. Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Breyer and Karan, were vociferously opposed by Republicans.

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